Park Boundary (0)
Long-term 1937 to 2020 (3)
| < -4.00 |
| -3.99 - -2.00 |
| -1.99 - 0.00 |
| 0.01 - 2.00 |
| 2.01 - 4.00 |
| > 4.01 |
Long-term 1958 to 2020 (4)
| < -4.00 |
| -3.99 - -2.00 |
| -1.99 - 0.00 |
| 0.01 - 2.00 |
| 2.01 - 4.00 |
| > 4.01 |
Recent 1982 to 2020 (34)
| < -4.00 |
| -3.99 - -2.00 |
| -1.99 - 0.00 |
| 0.01 - 2.00 |
| 2.01 - 4.00 |
| > 4.01 |
Long-term 1937 to 2022 (6)
| -0.86 - -0.59 |
| -0.58 - -0.32 |
| -0.31 - 0.10 |
| 0.11 - 0.74 |
| 0.75 - 1.38 |
Long-term 1958 to 2022 (7)
| -1.43 - -1.07 |
| -1.06 - -0.79 |
| -0.78 - -0.26 |
| -0.25 - 0.67 |
| 0.68 - 1.52 |
Recent 2000 to 2022 (8)
| -0.87 - -0.55 |
| -0.54 - -0.27 |
| -0.26 - -0.02 |
| -0.01 - 0.18 |
| 0.19 - 0.53 |
THSCMP GPS-mapped vegetation lines (10)
THSCMP GPS-mapped shorelines (11)
Bureau Gulf Shorelines (12)
| 1867 |
| 1881 |
| 1937 |
| 1958 |
| 1969 |
| 1974 |
| 1990 |
| 1995 |
| 2000 |
| 2007 |
| 2010 |
| 2011 |
| 2012 |
| 2016 |
| 2019 |
| 2022 |
Bureau Bay Shorelines (13)
| 1867 |
| 1937 |
| 1958 |
| 1974 |
| 1982 |
| 1995 |
| 2020 |
Volume above 1 m elevation per meter alongshore (31)
| 894 - 996 |
| 792 - 894 |
| 690 - 792 |
| 588 - 690 |
| 486 - 588 |
| 384 - 486 |
| 282 - 384 |
| 179 - 282 |
Peak beach and foredune elevation (30)
| 8.5 - 9 |
| 8 - 8.5 |
| 7.5 - 8 |
| 7 - 7.5 |
| 6.5 - 7 |
| 6 - 6.5 |
| 5.5 - 6. |
| 5. - 5.5 |
| 4.5 - 5 |
| 4 - 4.5 |
Geologic Map (14)
| Qed: eolion dune |
| Qbmm: bay-margin marsh |
| Qbmb: bay-margin beach |
| Qbmw: bay-margin washover |
| Qbms: bay-margin spit |
| Qbmtf: bay-margin tidal flat |
| Qgmb: Gulf-margin beach |
| Qgmd: Gulf-margin dune |
| Qgmbf: Gulf-margin barrier flat |
| Qgmwc: Gulf-margin washover channel |
| Water: Gulf or bay |
| Ponded water |
| Jetty |
National Wetland Inventory mapping (16)
| E1AB3L |
| E1UBL |
| E2AB3M |
| E2EM1N |
| E2EM1P |
| E2USM |
| E2USMx |
| E2USN |
| E2USNx |
| E2USP |
| M1UBL |
| M2USN |
| M2USP |
| PEM1A |
| PEM1C |
| PEM1Cx |
| PEM1F |
| PUBF |
| PUBFx |
| PUSA |
| PUSCx |
| R4SBC |
| R5UBFx |
2004 Bureau wetland mapping (17)
| E1AB3 |
| E1UB |
| E2AB1N |
| E2AB1P |
| E2EM1N |
| E2EM1P |
| E2SS3 |
| E2USM |
| E2USN |
| E2USP |
| M1UB |
| M2USN |
| M2USP |
| PEM1A |
| PEM1C |
| PSS1A |
| PUB |
| PUS |
| U |
1979 Bureau wetland mapping (18)
| E1AB2L. |
| E1OWL. |
| E2EM1N. |
| E2EM1P. |
| E2FL6N. |
| E2FLN. |
| E2FLP. |
| M1OWL. |
| M2BBP. |
| PEM1A. |
| PEM1C. |
| PEM1F. |
| PEM1Y. |
| POWF. |
| POWFx. |
| UA. |
| UBd. |
| UU. |
1956 Bureau wetland mapping (19)
| E1OW. |
| E2EM. |
| E2FL. |
| M1OW. |
| M2BB. |
| PEM. |
| POW. |
| U. |
Environmental Geology Map (21)
| Bay and lagoon mud |
| Beach |
| Fore-island dune ridge |
| Sandflats and/or coppice sand-dune fields |
| Beach ridge and barrier flat |
| Stabilized blowout dune complex |
| Washover channel |
| Washover distributary channel, active |
| Washover fan |
| Fore-island blowout dunes |
| Back-island dunes |
| Wind-tidal flat |
| Grassflat |
| Bay |
| Bay-margin |
| Bay and lagoon sand |
| Spoil |
Wind tidal flats (23)
Hurricane Carla (1961) inundation (24)
Hurricane Beulah (1967) inundation (25)
Environments and Biologic Assemblages Map (26)
| Upper shoreface |
| Bay |
| Grassflats |
| Beach |
| Barrier flat and fordune ridge |
| Washover |
| Active dunes |
| Sand flats |
| Bay margin |
| Spoil |
Physical Properties (27)
| Group II: Modern barrier island sands (beach, foredunes, vegetated barrier flats |
| Group VI: Wind-tidal flats and salt marsh |
| Group VII: Made-land and spoil |
| Group XI: Active dunes: back-island dunes, fore-island blowout dunes, coppice dunes |
2019 Lidar (BEG) (32)
| 16 - 0 |
2018 Stratmap Lidar (33)
| 16 - 0 |